生命早就應該浪費在美好的事物上,有時感覺自己卻像個陌生人徘徊在這個陌生的國度,感到徬晃`孤單 無助,感覺自己跟別人不同,沒辦法達成自己想做的理想和對宗教的使命感,怎麼做都感到心有餘力不足,好像我活在不屬於我的世界裡,能讓我一直堅強渡過的希望那就是我永遠也不能放棄真主的一切仁慈,生命早已在我出生以前就被安排好的前定,我要學會堅強,相信忍耐中自有恩典. .. Chinese is my tradition but Islam is the way of my life... Allah Is my Lord and Phophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is my teacher ..I am here to share about Islam ...May ALLAH guide us to the light (noor) and light up all around the world ..Insha Allah!
2011年9月29日 星期四
2011年9月26日 星期一
今天早上差點就要遲到了...= =
今天早上差點就要遲到了...= =
2011年9月22日 星期四
2011年9月21日 星期三
six mannerisms are gathered in a woman
2011年9月19日 星期一
Halal and Haram
Remember Allah

"O ye who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance; and glorify Him morning and evening."
(Al Quran 41-42)
O ye who believe! Let not your wealth nor your children distract you from remembrance of Allah. Those who do so, they are the losers.
(Al Quran 63:9)
Shaytaan (Satan) has overpowered them. So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Shaytaan (Satan). Verily, it is the party of Shaytaan (Satan) that will be the losers!
(Al Quran 58:19)
2011年9月16日 星期五
For how long

for how long are we going to be heedless for the signs of All-llah Subhane wa ta’ala
For how long are we going to be busy with the Dunya
Busy making money,
chasing our dreams,
following our desires
We know my brothers and sisters that death is reality
you can’t run away from death
even if you were in a fortress with a wall built up high,
death is going to come and find you
Imagine your time is today,
What have you got to take back to Allah subhane wa ta’ala?
Have you repented for your sins?
For this temporary life,
you have given up eternal bliss
and eternal happiness!
life which never ends.
my dear brothers and sisters,
even if the hereafter was soil and mud
and this dunya was gold and silver,
still the hereafter would be better than this dunya
because it’s eternal
for reality is;
this dunya is mud and soil and the hereafter is gold and silver
and yet,
we choose this life over the next.
Are we asleep?
Why are we walking around like headless chickens?
We will be brought to account.
On the day,
When everyone will be a stranger to another
when your best friend in this dunya will be a stranger to you in the next.
When your mother is going to abandon you just to save herself,
the day when every small action that you ever did, you will be shown.
every atom weight of good
and every atom weight of evil
My dear brothers and sisters
This is the promised day of Allah Subhane wa ta’ala
Doesn’t your heart tremble with fear?
Knowing that you’ll be brought to account?
And how you will die
And that’s how you will be raised
That day
When a child’s hair will turn grey due to the shock and fear
What will be your excuse on that day
When your limbs, your own legs
are going to give witness against you
When your lips are going to be sealed
And your legs are going to speak and say:
“Ya Allah, he made me walk to this Haram”
And your own hands are going to say:
“Ya Allah, he used me to touch this haram”
On that day
my dear brothers and sisters
there is no refuge
except with Allah Subane wa ta’ala
There is no escape
So take heed before your time is up,
Ask Allah Subhane wa ta’ala to make us amongst the Saabiquns,
the group of people who race each other to good deeds
And these people will be closest to Allah Subhane wa ta’ala in the next life.

When u marry a man, love him.
After u marry him, study him.
If he is honest, humour him.
If he is generous, appreciate him.
... When he is sad, cheer him.
When he is quarrelsome, ignore him.
If he is noble, praise him.
If he is confidential, encourage him.
If he is secretive, trust him.
If he is jealous, cure him.
If he favours society, accompany him.
When he deserves it, kiss him.
Let him think how well u understand him.
But never let him know that u manage him.
2011年9月12日 星期一

Oh Allah, have mercy on me in the name of the great Quraan,make it for me a guide and light,And guidance and mercy,
Oh Allah, make me remember that of it which I have forgotten,Make me know of it, that which I have become ignorant of,And make me recite it in the hours of the night and day,
And make it an argument for me, O sustainer of all the worlds,
Oh Allah, set right my faith which is the safeguard of all my affairs,And set right for me my world affairs wherein is my living,
An set right for me my hereafter on which depends my after life,And make my life a source of abundance of every good,And make my death a source of protection for me, protecting me from every evil,
Oh Allah! Make the best part of my life the end of it,And the last of my deeds the best one,And the best of my days, the day I meet you,
Oh Allah! I ask of you the best whilst living,
And ask for a good death,And not a shameful or embarassing return,
Oh Allah! I ask you for the best affair,The best suplication,The best success,
The best knowledge,
The best deed,
The best reward,
The best life,
And The best death.
Keep me upright,Make my scale heavy,
confirm my faith,raise high my status(in the hereafter),Accept my Salah,
And forgive my sins,I ask you for high positions in Paradise,
Oh Allah! I ask you obligation of your mercy,
And determination of your forgiveness,
And the peace of every sin,
And the booty of every reward,
And Winning Paradise,
And surviving from Hell,
Oh Allah! make the result of all our affairs good,And deliver us from the disgrace of this world and the torment of the hereafter,
Oh Allah! Distribute between us the heedfullness necessary to come between us and the commision of wrong against you,
The obedience necessary for us to gain admission into paradise,
And the unswerving faith necessary to minimise for us the tribulations in this world,
Oh Allah! Allow us to enjoy our hearing, our sight, and our strength for as long as we live,
And make that enjoyment our heir(so that the people that we have befitted could pray for us), and place our vengeance on those that have wronged us,And give us victory over our enemies,And try us not in our faith,
Neeither make this world our greates concern,or the extent of our knowledge,
Nor give power over us to those who would oppress us,
Oh Allah! Leave no sins of ours in this assembley unforgiven,
Nor any grief without being relieved,
Nor any debt without being paid,
Nor any difficulty in this life or the hereafter without being facilitated,
Oh the most merciful of all that is Merciful,
Our Lord! Give us the good of this world and the hereafter,And save us from the torment of the fire,
Oh Allah! send peace and salutation upon Muhammed (PBUH) and his family, his companions and those that follow him,
What is the ruling on fasting six days of Shawwaal? Is it waajib (obligatory)?

Praise be to Allaah.
Fasting six days of Shawwaal after the obligatory fast of Ramadaan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not waajib. It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwaal, and in this there is great virtue and an immense reward. Whoever fasts these six days will have recorded for him a reward as if he had fasted a whole year, as was reported in a saheeh hadeeth from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Abu Ayyoob (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever fasts Ramadaan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime.” (Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisaa’i and Ibn Maajah).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained this when he said: “Whoever fasts for six days after (Eid) al-Fitr has completed the year: (whoever does a good deed (hasanah) will have ten hasanah like it).” According to another report: “Allaah has made for each hasanah ten like it, so a month is like fasting ten months, and fasting six days completes the year.” (al-Nisaa’i and Ibn Maajah. See also Saheeh al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 1/421). It was also narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah with the wording: “Fasting for the month of Ramadaan brings the reward of ten like it, and fasting for six days brings the reward of two months, and that is the fasting of the whole year.”
The Hanbali and Shaafa’i fuqaha’ explained that fasting six days of Shawwaal after fasting Ramadaan makes it as if one has fasted for an entire year of obligatory fasts, because the multiplication of the reward applies even to naafil fasts, because each hasanah brings the reward of ten like it.
Another of the important benefits of fasting six days of Shawwaal is that is makes up for any shortfall in a person's obligatory Ramadaan fasts, because no one is free of shortcomings or sins that have a negative effect on his fasting. On the Day of Resurrection, some of his naafil deeds will be taken to make up the shortcomings in his obligatory deeds, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The first thing for which people will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be their salaah (prayer). Our Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, will say to His angels – although He knows best – ‘Look at the salaah of My slave, whether it is complete or incomplete.’ If it is perfect, it will be recorded as perfect, and if something is lacking, He will say, ‘Look and see whether My slave did any voluntary (naafil) prayers.’ If he did some voluntary prayers, [Allaah] will say, Complete the obligatory actions of My slave from his voluntary actions.’ Then all his actions will be dealt with in a similar manner.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).
And Allaah knows best.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Four Poisons of the Heart

1. Unnecessary Talking
Umar Ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "A person who talks too much is a person who often makes mistakes, and someone who often makes mistakes, often has wrong actions. The Fire has a priority over such a frequent sinner."
2. Unrestrained Glances
It has been related that the Prophet *saaws* once said words to the effect: "The glance is a poisoned arrow of shaytan. Whoever lowers his gaze for Allah, He will bestow upon him a refreshing sweetness which he will find in his heart on the day that he meets Him."
3. Too Much Food
Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'd Yakrib said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah *saaws* say: "The son of Adam fills no vessel more displeasing to Allah than his stomach. A few morsels should be enough for him to preserve his strength. If he must fill it, then he should allow a third for his food, a third for his drink and leave a third empty for easy breathing."
4. Keeping Bad Company
Allah's Apostle said, "The example of a good companion (who sits with you) in comparison with a bad one, is I like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith's bellows (or furnace); from the first you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn your clothes or your house, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof."
We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient as a witness of all things?
2011年9月8日 星期四

Our worst enemy is our Nafs. A true warrior will fight his Nafs before fighting with others. A true warrior will recognise the enemy closer to home. A true warrior will realise that this Jihad an-Nafs is an ongoing battle.. for the stronger his imaan gets, the harder the battle becomes.. But the more he continues to fight, the more successful he becomes, in sha Allah..♥
2011年9月3日 星期六
Down town girl
I remember, many years ago, hand in hand with you
You were so shy you didnt dare raise your head
You could only look up stupidly at the stars in the sky
You were indeed that innocent.
When I learnt you had received notice of your promotion
In my heart, I had mixed feelings
I didnt know whether to be happy for you or to be sad for myself
I could only let you go.
I dont understand, I dont understand I just cant let this go I cant give up this love You will never understand, not in this lifetime I understand, I understand There, in my heart, you will be always be Perhaps one day you will reminisce about this But I wont be around anymore I remember at the start you couldnt adapt To the busy, chaotic and noisy environment My contradictory innermost feelings made me sad every day I could only let you go.
You were so shy you didnt dare raise your head
You could only look up stupidly at the stars in the sky
You were indeed that innocent.
When I learnt you had received notice of your promotion
In my heart, I had mixed feelings
I didnt know whether to be happy for you or to be sad for myself
I could only let you go.
I dont understand, I dont understand I just cant let this go I cant give up this love You will never understand, not in this lifetime I understand, I understand There, in my heart, you will be always be Perhaps one day you will reminisce about this But I wont be around anymore I remember at the start you couldnt adapt To the busy, chaotic and noisy environment My contradictory innermost feelings made me sad every day I could only let you go.
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