Ramadan duas
FIRST ASHRA (first ten days [1-10]):
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Ramadan is composed of 30 days in total. This holy month has been divided into 3 Ashras, each Ashra has significance in the month of Ramadan. “Ashra’” is an arabic word for 10. So when we say an Ashra of Ramadan, we are pointing towards 10 days.
The first Ashra (first 10 days of Ramadan) signifies the bestowments of ALLAH Almighty’s Mercy. There are Dua’ s which can be recited so we can get maximum of what is being offered.
1st-ashra-dua (Dua for 1st 10 Days)
Translation: "O the Living, O the Eternal, I seek help in Your grace."
اے زندہ اور قائم رب! میں تیری رحمت کے حصول کی فریاد کرتا ہوں۔
2. رَّبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ
Rab-bigh-fir war-ham wa Anta Khair-ur-Raahimeen. (Surah Al Muminun:118)
"My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy!"
3.Ya Rabb, Allahumma arhamni Ya Arham-mar-Rahimeen
生命早就應該浪費在美好的事物上,有時感覺自己卻像個陌生人徘徊在這個陌生的國度,感到徬晃`孤單 無助,感覺自己跟別人不同,沒辦法達成自己想做的理想和對宗教的使命感,怎麼做都感到心有餘力不足,好像我活在不屬於我的世界裡,能讓我一直堅強渡過的希望那就是我永遠也不能放棄真主的一切仁慈,生命早已在我出生以前就被安排好的前定,我要學會堅強,相信忍耐中自有恩典. .. Chinese is my tradition but Islam is the way of my life... Allah Is my Lord and Phophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is my teacher ..I am here to share about Islam ...May ALLAH guide us to the light (noor) and light up all around the world ..Insha Allah!