" We ~ Allah will show them Our signs in the universe,
and in their souls, until it becomes clear to them that It
~ the Quran is the truth. Is it not enough ~ for non-
believers that your Lord witnesses over all things?
把我的許多跡象昭示他們 ,
直到他們明白古蘭經卻是真理" < 古蘭經41.53>
"Do not curse those who call to worship other than Allah,
so that they don't curse Allah out of spite and ignorance.
This is how We ~Allah appealed to each people its own
actions; then they will be brought back to their Lord
~ Allah, who will inform them of what they have been doing."
你們不要辱罵他們捨棄真主而祈禱的 (偶像),
以免他們因過分和無知而辱罵真主 。
我這樣以每個民族的行為迷惑他們, 然後 ,
他們只歸於他們的主, 而要把他們生前的行為告訴他們。< 古蘭經6.108>
"And if you were in doubt about what We have revealed to
Our servant, then bring forth a book like the Quran; and call
your witnesses ~scientists to prove it contrary to Allah, if
you were truthful.
那麼,你們擬作一章 並捨真主,
而祈禱你們的見證 ,如果你們是誠實的。< 古蘭經2.23>
" But you cannot and will never ~be able. So beware of
a fire whose fuel is men and stones prepared for blasphemers."
如果你們不能作證 ,你們絕不能作 --那麼 ,
你們當防備火獄 ,那是用人和石做燃料的,
已為不信道的人們預備好了。< 古蘭經2.24>
" They only disbanded after they received knowledge ~of
their Bible fallaciously among them. And if it were not a word
from your Lord ~Allah that postponed it to a later date, it
would have been all settled among them then. And those
who inherited the Book ~the Bible from them are in great
suspicion of it. < Quran 42:14>
知識來臨他們後, 他們才為互相嫉妒而分派別。
那麼,他們必已受裁判了。 在他們之後繼承天經的人們,
對於天經,的確在使人猶豫的疑惑中。。< 古蘭經42.14>
"Therefore call them ~to the Quran and straighten your ways
as you are ordered and don't follow their passions and say:
"I believe in what Allah revealed of the Book ~The Quran
and I was ordered to be just among you ~both Christians
and Jews; Allah is our Lord and your Lord, we have our
actions and you have your actions, no argument between
us and you, Allah brings us together and to Him we are
~all destined." < Quran 42:15>
真主將集合我們,他是唯一的歸宿。。< 古蘭經42.15>