for how long are we going to be heedless for the signs of All-llah Subhane wa ta’ala
For how long are we going to be busy with the Dunya
Busy making money,
chasing our dreams,
following our desires
We know my brothers and sisters that death is reality
you can’t run away from death
even if you were in a fortress with a wall built up high,
death is going to come and find you
Imagine your time is today,
What have you got to take back to Allah subhane wa ta’ala?
Have you repented for your sins?
For this temporary life,
you have given up eternal bliss
and eternal happiness!
life which never ends.
my dear brothers and sisters,
even if the hereafter was soil and mud
and this dunya was gold and silver,
still the hereafter would be better than this dunya
because it’s eternal
for reality is;
this dunya is mud and soil and the hereafter is gold and silver
and yet,
we choose this life over the next.
Are we asleep?
Why are we walking around like headless chickens?
We will be brought to account.
On the day,
When everyone will be a stranger to another
when your best friend in this dunya will be a stranger to you in the next.
When your mother is going to abandon you just to save herself,
the day when every small action that you ever did, you will be shown.
every atom weight of good
and every atom weight of evil
My dear brothers and sisters
This is the promised day of Allah Subhane wa ta’ala
Doesn’t your heart tremble with fear?
Knowing that you’ll be brought to account?
And how you will die
And that’s how you will be raised
That day
When a child’s hair will turn grey due to the shock and fear
What will be your excuse on that day
When your limbs, your own legs
are going to give witness against you
When your lips are going to be sealed
And your legs are going to speak and say:
“Ya Allah, he made me walk to this Haram”
And your own hands are going to say:
“Ya Allah, he used me to touch this haram”
On that day
my dear brothers and sisters
there is no refuge
except with Allah Subane wa ta’ala
There is no escape
So take heed before your time is up,
Ask Allah Subhane wa ta’ala to make us amongst the Saabiquns,
the group of people who race each other to good deeds
And these people will be closest to Allah Subhane wa ta’ala in the next life.