Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله) is an Arabic phrase meaning "Praise to God" or "All praise belongs to God."
It is used by Muslim or Islamic people to say "Thank God" or in terms of saying 'I am good or everything went well'.
oh ALLAH Thank for whatever good and bad happen to me...i am please to bear for it .....
Oh Allah grant me and my family not haram of wealth but the Riski of barakat , whatever is it good or bad for us ,we feel thankful for it ...Alhumdulillah
It is reported that Al-Hasan Al-Basri said:
" It has reached me that when Allah the Mighty and Majestic blesses a people and gives them some good he asks them to be grateful. If they are grateful, He is All-Able to give them more. But if they are ungrateful, He is All-Able to turn His blessings into a punishment. "
{Related by Imam Al-Bayhaqi ih his book, Shu’ab Al-Iman}