“In order for any action to be accepted by Allāh ta’ala it must fulfil two conditions:
1.The action must be in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam.
2.There must be sincerity in the action, i.e. it must be done for
the pleasure of Allāh ta’ala.
It is imperative that these two conditions are fulfilled,
otherwise the action will not be accepted in the Court of Allāh ta’ala.
Often, enough emphasis is not given to the first point: if an action,
no matter how sincere it is, does not conform to the teachings of
the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, it will not be accepted.
This concept can be further understood through the example of
a passport and visa.
At immigration control the first thing that is checked is the validity
of the passport. If the officer does not accept its authenticity then
no matter how valid the visa is,the passport holder will not be able
to progress.
假如檢察官不接受這已齊備的手續,那麼 無論你的通行證效力會有多齊全,
Similarly, when it comes to our actions in the Court of Allāh ta’ala
they must first be in accordance to the teachings of
the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam.
Only then will their sincerity be checked. If both pass the test
then the action will be accepted by Allāh ta’ala.”
同樣地,當一切是為了真主而作的行為 ,
只有這樣 ,那些虔誠的行為才會受到檢驗,如果同過了這2項的考驗,
Insha ALLAH ,may ALLAH accept for our niat (intention)
and good deen ( deed)
假如真主允諾,求主接受我們的niat(舉意)和 deen (善行)。
By : Material taken from In Shaykh's Company:www.shaykh.org.