Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Qur'an? Or do you read daily, but don't find it is having the impact on you that it should? Whatever the case may be, these are some simple tips that can help you connect with the Qur'an.
你是不是ㄧ個很少碰古蘭經的人?或你每天也在唸只是你發現對你沒有一點的影響,無論是怎麼樣的情形以下是幾個簡單可以幫助你更能進一步親近古蘭經 :
1. Before you touch it, check your heart. The key to really benefiting from the Qur'an is to check your heart first, before you even touch Allah's book. Ask yourself, honestly, why you are reading it. Is it to just get some information and to let it drift away from you later? Remember that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was described by his wife as a "walking Qur'an": in other words, he didn't just read and recite the Qur'an, he lived it.
1. Before you touch it, check your heart. The key to really benefiting from the Qur'an is to check your heart first, before you even touch Allah's book. Ask yourself, honestly, why you are reading it. Is it to just get some information and to let it drift away from you later? Remember that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was described by his wife as a "walking Qur'an": in other words, he didn't just read and recite the Qur'an, he lived it.
最好的關鍵在於先檢視自己的心態或在你觸碰古蘭經或唸誦真主的經典前 誠實的問自己為何要唸古蘭經 是為了得到一些資訊還是只是唸了之後就這樣帶過了呢? 要記住! 我們的聖人穆罕默德的妻子曾經這樣的形容聖人是活在古蘭經中 他不只是會唸古蘭經而已 而是真正的把古蘭經放入生活裡實行
2. Do your ablution (wodoo2). Doing your ablushion is good physical and mental preparation to remind you you're not reading just another book. You are about to interact with God, so being clean should be a priority when communicating with Him.
先做好小淨 作小淨對身心的事先準備是重要的 他可以作為提醒我們的作用 讓我們可以了解到我們要唸的不只是一般普通的書 而你將要透過這本書和真主對話 所以在要跟主對話之前先作好小淨的準備是必要的
2. Do your ablution (wodoo2). Doing your ablushion is good physical and mental preparation to remind you you're not reading just another book. You are about to interact with God, so being clean should be a priority when communicating with Him.
先做好小淨 作小淨對身心的事先準備是重要的 他可以作為提醒我們的作用 讓我們可以了解到我們要唸的不只是一般普通的書 而你將要透過這本書和真主對話 所以在要跟主對話之前先作好小淨的準備是必要的
3. Read only 5 minutes everyday. Too often, we think we should read Qur'an for at least one whole hour. If you aren't in the habit of reading regularly, this is too much. Start off with just five minutes daily. If you took care of step one, God willing(insha2 allah), you will notice that those five minutes will become ten, then half an hour, then an hour, and maybe even more!
每天至少要唸5分鐘 有時我們以為可以一天花一個小時在唸古蘭經 但是如果你沒有這樣每天唸這麼多的習慣 可以先從五分鐘開始做起 如果你都保持在每天花五分鐘唸古蘭經的話 如果真主云欲 將會發先你會慢慢的從5分鐘變成了10分鐘 之後是半個小時 再來就是一個小時 甚至更多的時間在唸古蘭經
4. Make sure you understand what you've read. Five minutes of reading the Qur'an in Arabic is good, but you need to understand what you're reading. Make sure you have a good translation of the Qur'an in the language you understand best. Always try to read the translation of what you've read that day.
4. Make sure you understand what you've read. Five minutes of reading the Qur'an in Arabic is good, but you need to understand what you're reading. Make sure you have a good translation of the Qur'an in the language you understand best. Always try to read the translation of what you've read that day.
把你今天所唸的古蘭經弄清楚明白 每天花5分鐘的時間在唸阿拉伯文的古蘭經是好的 但是你必須弄懂你在唸什麼 也確定你擁有一本可信任的古蘭經翻譯本那是最好的 也把你所唸的東西弄清楚明白
5. Don't just read, listen too. There are now many audio cassettes and CDs of the Qur'an, a number of them with translations as well. This is great to put on your mp3 or your car's CD or stereo as you drive to and from work. Use this in addition to your daily Qur'an reading, not as a replacement for it.
5. Don't just read, listen too. There are now many audio cassettes and CDs of the Qur'an, a number of them with translations as well. This is great to put on your mp3 or your car's CD or stereo as you drive to and from work. Use this in addition to your daily Qur'an reading, not as a replacement for it.
不要只是唸 有時你也可以準備附有古蘭經和翻譯的錄音帶或 CD 你可以把它放在你的 mp3或車上方便在你外出或開車的時候可以聆聽 除了要每天唸以外也試著去聽古蘭經 不要把它當作替代而是把它增加到日常生活裡
6. Make supplication(do3a2) . Ask Allah to guide you when you read the Qur'an. Your aim is to sincerely, for the love of Allah, interact with Him by reading, understanding and applying His blessed words. Making Dua to Allah for help and guidance will be your best tool for doing this.
6. Make supplication(do3a2) . Ask Allah to guide you when you read the Qur'an. Your aim is to sincerely, for the love of Allah, interact with Him by reading, understanding and applying His blessed words. Making Dua to Allah for help and guidance will be your best tool for doing this.
乞求和作都阿 當我們在唸古蘭經的時候乞求真主的引道 我們要表現的是真誠 對真主的愛 透過真主的語言和真主對話 也請求得到真主的援助 在我們使用這本經典作為指南以前 向真主祈禱庇護和指引我們從中得到智慧