2011年6月17日 星期五


Allah is the creator of heaven and of earth 真主是宇宙大地的主
Nothing may compare with Him, He is the One alone超絕萬物無人能比
The prophets, best of humankind 聖人為最嘉楷模
Sent to all nations and all tribes 作為權人類的聖者
Last of all Muhammad, mercy to the worlds. 最後一位使者 將仁慈普遍大地

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers 基礎信仰建立在信仰真主和使者
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures 信仰天使,信仰經典
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him想信前定無論好壞都來自至上的主
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah. 相信末日 萬物非主 唯有真主

