2011年6月15日 星期三


已經畢業ㄧ年了 感覺時間過的很快

ㄧ瞬間就變成了過去 讓工作慢慢的沉澱下來

已經折騰了兩個月 我打算放下一切痛苦 勇敢去面對


我相信 Allah 不會讓我去承擔我所無法承擔的事情

如果是安拉所安排好的事情 想躲也躲不掉或強求也求不來


把我的精神寄託在無限能量的主 冀望在未來能給我勇氣和骨氣去打敗所有困難

1 則留言:

  1. Salam

    I understand how you feel regarding the future. Undeniably life is not easy. However, you are not alone feeling like this. Many people too feel the same but just the distance made everyone feels alone and not confident with themselves.

    I had just talked and listened to an auntie and a friend who are my seniors and they also feels the same. I also talked with them regarding our future that seems blurry while almost finishing our studies. We feel exactly like you feel. Be strong and prayer for iman. You have Allah support also your brothers, and sisters support in prayer. May Allah helps you to face the life and grants you your prayer.

    Prayers for peace, mercy and love for brethren in faith, may everyone receive bountiful of blessings, amin.
