2011年3月5日 星期六

United Islam

How come to call ourself united ,what is the real fact we have known
我們如何主張團結 我們現況所遇到的事實是眾所皆知的

Shaytan wont lead astry to the non believer,becaz they indeed have succeed
惡魔本身是不會去引導不信道者 因為對他們來他們已是完全的成功

but why they lead Muslim to go astry and Not united,

becaz they havent succeed for leading us become astry yet..
因為他們對於穆斯林之間的破壞也只成功了一半 並沒有完全成功的引道我們走出真主之繩索外

So hold for the rope of Allah,and watching our thought ,
所以要緊握住真主的繩索 和檢視我們的想法

our word and action.We are human being indeed weaken,
我們的言語和行為 ...我們人類確是懦弱和徬徨的

Only ALLAH is eternal perfect..

May ALLAH protect us away from the person of Hypocricy

by: maryem mah (麗菁)

